SENDCo: Mrs L Hill

Tel: 01384818660


SEND Policy

Dudley's Local Offer

The Local Offer is full of information and advice on things to support you and your child or young person, aged 0-25 with special educational needs or disabilities.

If you need advice on health, education, social care and community support for you and your family visit the Local Offer website:

SENDIASS Events & Workshops for people with SEND

Dudley SENDIASS (special educational needs & disabilities information advice and support service) is running a range of online activities over the coming months to help parents and carers or young people with SEND.


Please use the link to the SENDIASS website below for more information:

Dudley Parent/Carer Forum

Dudley Parent Carer Forum is an independent group of parent carers of children and young people (0-25 years) with disabilities and additional needs. The forum provides a safe environment for parent carers of children with disabilities or additional needs to share their thoughts and concerns and to empower them to have their voices heard in a way that influences change and service design.

Any parent carer of a child with a disability or additional needs, residing in Dudley borough can become a member. 

For more information contact the forum via their Facebook page, email: or via the website:

SEND Information Report