

Our daily act of Christian Collective Worship strengthens and supports the Christian distinctiveness of our school, reaffirms our vision and associated values of Love, Forgiveness, Trust, Courage and Respect and celebrates the central role that each person has to play in our community.Our worship is inspired by the Christian understanding of God as Trinity; this includes belief in God, the source of all being and life, belief in Jesus who reveals God’s love by his life, death and resurrection and belief in the Holy Spirit who makes the presence of Jesus known in the world. Collective worship provides a space for  reflection and prayer.

What does Worship look like at St Margaret's at Hasbury?

Worship is led by a member of staff, children and visitors and is an important part of the school day. Using a variety of sung worship, prayer, drama, storytelling, videos, liturgy and art the community is encouraged to reflect on the teachings of the Bible and on big questions about what it means to be human and the role God might play in that.

Worship at St Margaret's is inclusive and open to all, those with Christian faith, other faith or none. Together we come as a community to enjoy a time of peace, wonderment and contemplation. It is interactive, all who are present are encouraged to take part where they feel able and contribute their own thoughts and ideas when possible

Our close relationship with St Margaret's Church enables us to attend Eucharist Service each term.

We believe our ethos of inclusion and respect for all members of our school community enables children and parents/ carers to feel our acts of worship are an integral and important part of what makes a church school both distinctive and special. 


School Prayer

Dear God, whom we trust

Thank you that we come to St Margarets school

Thank you for the fun and friendships we have there

Give us the strength to be honest and kind in all we do

Help us to show forgiveness when people make mistakes

Encourage us to persevere when things are tricky and to enjoy ev very moment

Thankyou for the kind, caring people who work with us

May we remember those who are less fortunate than us

Bless our school


The prayer that we say together  was created by the Year 6 pupils in  2021.


Collective Worship Policy

The poem below was created by children in response to collective worship around the theme of 'Courage' one of our five school values.

Collective Worship is inspirational. Children leave with answers and often more questions to explore. Many worships instigate action.

Immediately after a worship, year 3 children spoke to their class teacher expressing their wish to raise money for the appeal by holding a toy sale  Donations were made by the school community and £462 was raised.