
Our Vision and Values

We believe in educating the whole child. We cherish everyone and encourage everyone to treat each other as a unique individual. We want the children of St Margaret’s to be caring and respectful towards one another; learn to be confident and courageous in the face of challenges; be the best they can be.

Our core set of Christian values: Love, Respect, Forgiveness, Trust and Courage are evident in our curriculum, learning environment, ethos, behaviour and relationships at St Margaret’s.

Our Aims

  • To offer children an exciting and carefully structured curriculum, following the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, which enables the children to develop their own interests and plan and initiate their own learning. 

  • To have fun playing and learning together. 

  • To develop positive and supportive relationships with parents and families, ensuring every opportunity for all children to develop to their full potential.

  • To value and celebrate the richness of diversity through an understanding that all children and families are unique. 

  • To nurture and develop children’s creativity and curiosity, giving them time to develop their own ideas. 

  • To create a stimulating and challenging environment which engages children’s interests and promotes independence.


Parents are able to officially put their children’s name on the waiting list the term after their second birthday. Places are allocated dependent on the age of the child. We operate on a term time basis in line with the school's academic calendar. 

Starting Nursery

Once your child is ready to start nursery and has accepted their nursery place we will contact you to arrange a home visit. The home visit is a lovely opportunity to meet you and your child in a familiar environment and for you to ask any questions you may have. Staff will also bring an admission pack for you to complete during the visit and inform you of any nursery visits, start dates and who your child’s key person will be.

Nursery Sessions

The children in the Nursery are aged 3–4 years and access a classroom and the outdoor environment during their early education.  Children from Nursery and reception class work together in the outdoor environment and separately in their classrooms.  

Nursery children are entitled to receive 15 hours free early education per week through a maximum of five, three hour sessions. 

Morning nursery session– 8.45 -11.45 am

Afternoon nursery session– 12.30 -3.30 pm

30 Hours


We also offer provision for children who are entitled to 30 hours free early education through five sessions from 8.45am – 3.30pm. Please contact the school office for more information. 01384 818660